Kentik Blog: Network Security

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by Doug Madory
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by Christoph Pfister
by Doug Madory, Job Snijders
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Doug Madory
by Avi Freedman
by David Klein
by Leon Adato
Leon Adato
Principal Tech Evangelist
Lauren Basile
Senior Product Marketing Manager
Avi Freedman
Co-founder & CEO
Phil Gervasi
Director of Tech Evangelism
Eric Hian-Cheong
Senior Product Marketing Manager
Mike Ho
VP of Engineering
Aaron Kagawa
Technical Product Manager
David Klein
Doug Madory
Director of Internet Analysis
Josh Mayfield
Senior Director of Product Marketing
Christoph Pfister
Chief Product Officer
Justin Ryburn
Field CTO
Greg Villain
Director, Technical Product Management
Rosalind Whitley
Director, Product Marketing - Cloud

Monitoring DNS with Kentik

August 21, 2017

Domain Name Server (DNS) is often overlooked, but it’s one of the most critical pieces of Internet infrastructure. As driven home by last October’s crippling DDoS attack against Dyn, the web can’t function unless DNS resolves hostnames to their underlying IP addresses. In this post we look at how combining Kentik’s software host agent with Dashboards in Kentik gives you the tools you need to ensure DNS availability and performance.

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Kentik Detect Alerting: Configuring Alert Policies

July 11, 2017

Operating a network means staying on top of constant changes in traffic patterns. With legacy network monitoring tools, you often can’t see these changes as they happen. Instead you need a comprehensive visibility solution that includes real-time anomaly detection. Kentik Detect fits the bill with a policy-based alerting system that continuously evaluates incoming flow data. This post provides an overview of system features and configuration.

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Why Large Enterprises Need Modern DDoS Defense

March 27, 2017

Today’s increased reliance on cloud and distributed application architectures means that denial of just a single critical dependency can shut down Web availability and revenue. In this post we look at what that means for large, complex enterprises. Do legacy tools protect sufficiently against new and different vulnerabilities? If not, what constitutes a modern approach to DDoS protection, and why is it so crucial to business resilience?

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The State of DDoS Attacks and Defense

March 6, 2017

DDoS attacks constitute a very significant and growing portion of the overall cybersecurity threat. In this post we recap highlights of a recent Webinar jointly presented by Kentik’s VP of Product Marketing, Alex Henthorn-Iwane, and Forrester Senior Analyst Joseph Blankenship. The Webinar focused on three areas: attack trends, the state of defense techniques, and key recommendations that organizations can implement to improve their protective posture.

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Kentik CEO Avi Freedman with PacketPushers on NPM & DDoS

December 19, 2016

Avi Freedman recently spoke with Ethan Banks and Greg Ferro of PacketPushers about Kentik’s latest updates, which focus primarily on features that enhance network performance monitoring and DDoS protection. This post includes excerpts from that conversation as well as a link to the full podcast. Avi discusses his vision of appliance-free network monitoring, explains how host monitoring expands Kentik’s functionality, and gives an overview of how we detect and respond to anomalies and attacks.

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How ISPs & Managed Service Providers Can Offer DDoS Protection

November 28, 2016

As organizations increasingly rely on digital operations there’s no end in sight to the DDoS epidemic. That aggravates the headaches for service providers, who stand between attackers and their targets, but it also creates the opportunity to offer effective protection services. Done right, these services can deepen customer relationships while expanding revenue and profits. But to succeed, providers will need to embrace big data as a key element of DDoS protection.

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Big Data DDoS Protection vs the DDoS Marketplaces Threat

November 21, 2016

The source of DDoS attacks is typically depicted as a hoodie-wearing amateur. But the more serious threat is actually a well-developed marketplace for exploits, with vendors whose state-of-the-art technology can easily overwhelm legacy detection systems. In this post we look why you need the firepower of big data to fend off this new breed of commercial attackers.

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Kentik Detect for Network Security

June 27, 2016

Network security depends on comprehensive, timely understanding of what’s happening on your network. As explained by information security executive and analyst David Monahan, among the key value-adds of Kentik Detect are the ways in which it enables network data to be applied — without add-ons or additional charges — to identify and resolve security issues. Monahan provides two use cases that illustrate how the ability to filter out and/or drill-down on dimensions such as GeoIP and protocol can tip you off to security threats.

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Accuracy and Efficiency for Network Security

June 13, 2016

This guest post brings a security perspective to bear on network visibility and analysis. Information security executive and analyst David Monahan underscores the importance of being able to collect and contextualize information in order to protect the network from malicious activity. Monahan explores the capabilities needed to support numerous network and security operations use cases, and describes Kentik Detect as a next-generation flow analytics solution with high performance, scalability, and flexibility.

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Using Kentik Detect to Find Current Attacks

December 15, 2015

With massive data capacity and analytical flexibility, Kentik Detect makes it easy to actively explore network traffic. In this post we look at how to use this capability to rapidly discover and analyze interesting and potentially important DDoS and other attack vectors. We start with filtering by source geo, then zoom in on a time-span with anomalous traffic. By looking at unique source IPs and grouping traffic by destination IP we find both the source and the target of an attack.

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