Kentik Shows NetFlow Analytics at NFD12

It was a blast taking part in our first ever Networking Field Day (NFD12), presenting our advanced and powerful network traffic analysis solution. Being at NFD12 gave us the opportunity to get valuable response and feedback from a set of knowledgeable network nerd and blogger delegates. See what they had to say about Kentik Detect…
Warm Reception Makes for Fun Networking Field Day

It was a blast taking part in our first ever Networking Field Day (NFD12). We’re already confident that we are offering the most advanced and powerful NetFlow analysis solution available. But presenting at NFD12 gave us the opportunity to get valuable response and feedback from a set of knowledgeable network nerd and blogger delegates, as well as from the NFD12 streaming audience.
Kentik CEO Avi Freedman gave an overview of our company and of our post-Hadoop Big Data engine, which ingests billions of NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX, BGP, and SNMP data records, offers ad-hoc analyses, alerting, dashboarding, and provides open API integration. Principal engineer and co-founder Ian Pye presented the architecture of the data engine. Then Avi and Jim Meehan, Director of Solutions Engineering, provided demonstrations of how Kentik’s visibility is used for troubleshooting, DDoS detection, peering analytics, network performance, and network security management.
If you haven’t had a chance to see the videos, you can watch them all at our NFD12 hub, where you can also sign up for a free trial (and get our cool NetFlow t-shirt).

It was gratifying to hear positive feedback from the NFD delegates, which mirrors the kinds of things we hear from our customers on a regular basis. Pasted below are some comments that the delegates tweeted during our presentations.
On Kentik’s focus:
“Loving the focus from kentikinc and @avifreedman - very clear on what they are and are not.” - Carl Niger (@carl_niger)
“Couldn’t agree more. ‘As a small startup we cannot do everything’ --- That’s called focus. Bravo!” - Justin Cohen (@cantechit)
On the need for full NetFlow details:
“Not all customers are going to put expensive network taps in everywhere.” - Brandon Mangold quoted Avi Freedman, adding #HeGetsIt
On Kentik’s performance:
“@kentikinc is impressively fast-moving around looking at data live. Looks highly optimized.” - Brandon Mangold @SDNgeek
“For queries against datasets in the many billions of records, @kentikinc claims worst-case latency in the 2 to 10 second range.” - Ethan Banks (@ecbanks).
And in response: “Most current tools would take several minutes to get the same result. Very impressive.” - Brandon Mangold (@SDNgeek)
On Kentik’s power and usefulness:
“You think you know your traffic, so you build your policies. @kentikinc actually knows your traffic, and you improve your policies.” - Ethan Banks (@ecbanks)
“Cool max-bits view for flows in @kentikinc - Very easy to see from distance when traffic is changing.” - Justin Cohen (@cantechit)
“@kentikinc provides an interface that lets you ask multi-layered questions of your network data, and then visualize the answer.” - Ethan Banks (@ecbanks)
“I can imagine getting lost for days just browsing through data in @kentikinc’s visualization platform, idly looking for issues :-)” - John Bigboote (@mrtugs)
A nice summary of the impression we left:
“OH: ‘Badass netflow tool’ :-)” - John Bigboote
We’d like to give a great big thank you to the Tech Field Day crew, the awesome delegates, and everyone who tuned in. It was a great event for us, and we look forward to being part of Networking Field Day again in the future. In the meantime, if you just can’t wait to get badass netflow visibility, visit our NFD hub and sign up for a free trial!