Nov 2023: What’s New at Kentik?

Have you ever sat down and thought to yourself, “What’s new at Kentik?” Well, you’re in luck! Welcome to the first edition of a blog series to highlight the best and brightest of Kentik that month.
We’re probably all familiar with the oft-repeated adage: knowledge is power. It’s relatively simple to understand. The more information we possess on a given subject, the better we can make informed decisions about it.
To further the pursuit of knowledge for you, the reader, we decided we need a good place for you to learn about everything we’ve been up to (and there has been a lot). There are the product updates and the media coverage pages, but they are not enough. The people demand a fun, easily digestible blog aggregation of everything newsworthy from Kentik! So, to rectify these wrongs, welcome to our newest monthly series, “What’s New at Kentik?”
This series will cover some of the best, brightest, and most interesting things to happen at Kentik in any given month. So, without further ado, what’s new at Kentik?
Video killed the radio (button) star
Some people don’t like to read. Blame it on cell phones, TikTok, or anything you want, but we all have the right to consume content in any way our heart desires. (This is in no way an endorsement of not reading. Read a book. It’s good for you.)
But with the aim of giving our audience a new outlet for Kentik news, we’re beyond thrilled to announce a new, ongoing video series of the same name as this blog: What’s New at Kentik?
In our new monthly series, Leon Adato walks you through the latest and greatest from Kentik in a hilarious, informative, poignant, and, most importantly, fun way. We present to you the first episode of What’s New at Kentik:
Be sure to subscribe to Kentik’s YouTube channel to ensure you don’t miss our future episodes.
Gleaming the Kentik Kube
Kentik is the network observability company. Kubernetes is part of the network. Ergo, Kentik has been working hard to ensure we can provide comprehensive coverage for our cloud native compatriots. (We also work hard on alliteration.)
So, we are excited to have launched our newest offering this month – Kentik Kube, an industry-first solution that provides network insight into Kubernetes workloads, revealing the routes container traffic takes through data centers, public clouds, and the internet.
Network and infrastructure teams can finally gain full visibility of network traffic within the context of their cloud and on-prem K8s deployments, enabling them to quickly troubleshoot performance problems and optimize costs.
Kentik CEO Avi Freedman had the privilege of sitting down with Techstrong TV at KubeCon 2023 to discuss the launch of Kentik Kube in this extended interview.
Still want more Kube content? Watch Phil Gervasi demonstrate exactly how Kentik Kube can troubleshoot container latency, enforce security monitoring policies, and more.
RBAC to the future
You asked for it, and we delivered.
Kentik has now rolled out a long-awaited feature to our platform and admin user base this month – Role Based Access Control (RBAC), which provides a more granular approach for Kentik admins to manage user access and permissions to Kentik features and settings. Get all the details about Kentik’s initial release of RBAC and how it will eventually replace our previous permission system with our product update blog post and Kentik Knowledge Base (KB) article.

That’s what’s new at Kentik
So, there you have it. November of 2023 was a busy month for us here at Kentik. There’s so much more that we could have covered here, from new partnerships to other new partnerships to Kentik being named the #1 solution for network observability in 2023.
We can’t wait to show you some exciting things we plan to release soon, so be sure to subscribe to our blog so you don’t miss out on any upcoming What’s New at Kentik content.
Til next month, network enthusiasts!