Blog Post

Kentik Tech Talks, Episode 9: How to Use Kentik to Check if You're Leaking Data to AS8003 (GRS-DoD)

Maybe you’ve heard about the recent story of a mysterious new entity announcing a lot of formerly unused DoD address space - and maybe you thought what might this mean for you?

Well, if your corporate network ever used this formerly unused space for internal numbering, there is a risk you could be leaking it out to a party that is actively collecting it. Kentik product expert, Steve Meuse, demonstrates how to use the Kentik’s Data Explorer, to quickly and easily pull up the stats of exactly how much data you are presently leaking to AS8003. Worth a check, no?

To discover the Kentik Network Observability platform in your own network—free for 30 days—start a free trial, or request a personalized demo from the Kentik team.

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